Percentiles of Trades PnL
Percentiles of Trades PnL: This is probably the most important metric for copytraders. Percentiles provide a representation of the distribution of trade outcomes.
But what is a percentile?
Percentile is a number denoting the position of a data point within a numeric dataset by indicating the percentage of the dataset with a lesser value. For example, a data point that falls at the 75th percentile has a value greater than 75 percent of the data points within the dataset.
In the example above, the 75th percentile is 237 SOL or 536%. This means, 75% percent of the trades made less than 237 SOL or 536% and 25% of the trades made more than 237 SOL or 536%, which isn’t bad.
If you look at the 10th percentile, it’s a loss of 43 SOL or -88%. This means, 10% of the trades lost 43 SOL or more! Be careful.
The 50th percentile is also known as median.
Always analyze percentiles to see if the trader is consistent. The example above is a good example of consistency, even the 25th percentile is a relatively small loss if you compare to the trading size so you have that 75% of time this wallet did not lose a considerable amount but rather had a lot of considerable big wins.
If you are still unsure, this brief youtube video explains it clearly:
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